Struvite and Scale Removal + Prevention

Struvite Remover Applied to Half of Struvite filled pipe

Remove Struvite and prevent it from occurring again!
Struvite Removal Products
Jayne Products has developed a line of products for wastewater treatment plants and scale removal, including pipelines and concentrated animal feeding operations. These products are specific formulations for the removal and prevention of struvite, as well as vivianite and other scales. We encourage you to call us to discuss your situation and to receive your free product samples so you can conduct your own laboratory tests.
Struvite, Vivianite, and Scale Remover
Struvite Remover STSR and Scale Remover STSR are liquid solvents that have proven itself a superior Struvite and Vivianite removal solution over the past 10+ years in numerous wastewater treatment plants (referrals provided upon request) and other industries for all kinds of scale, it is an environmentally safe product that allows personnel to use it effectively and safely. It penetrates beneath the struvites and scales surface generating a high removal rate. Making up a concentration as low as 10% and recirculating overnight gives the chelating action time to achieve optimum removal. As you increase the concentration the removal rate is greater and faster.
Struvite, Vivianite and Scale Prevention
Struvite Preventer STSP is a very active struvite dispersant that can be fed directly into the anaerobic digester, sludge transfer lines or in front of the dewatering system. Dispersants by definition create an ionic charge on the molecule surface, which prevents them from mechanical bridging to create a denser particle.
A lot of struvite dispersants on the market use an anionic dispersant. Anionic dispersants can easily increase the cost of dewatering your solid. We use a nonionic charge that helps to lower the dewatering cost.
In our case of struvite dispersant, we have developed a solution that chelates the magnesium ion whether it is in solution or a deposit. We have found that at dosages between 30-90ppm, we can inhibit the formation of struvite and vivianite.
Industrial Degreasers, Deodorizers, & H2S Neutralizer
Struvite Removal is now offering these products that can be used in a variety of industries.
Learn more about our degreasers, deodorizers, and H2S Neutralizers.
MicroBlaze FOG & Spill Control
Learn more about Microblaze FOG as well as Spill Control.
Struvite Removal is the Eco-Friendly Choice for Descaling Buildup, Prevention & Treatment
With industrial chemical products for removing and preventing various mineral deposits and scale buildup, Struvite Removal has the solution for your plant or operation. The suite of descalers, degreasers, deodorizers, and neutralizers available from our inventory provides environmentally responsible chemical cleaning solutions for many industrial plants and equipment. We offer lab scale product testing to determine a suitable approach for preventing and removing buildup.
Contact Struvite Removal to learn more about our offerings or request a quote for a solution. Visit our resources for helpful case studies, informative blogs, and videos.